
This blog is all about our urban explorations, here you will find pictures and posts describing some of our favorite moments. Please do not re-use any of these photos without consenting us first by either email (andysemail23@yahoo.com) or commenting.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hell's Road Revisited

Funny story on these, as we were walking out of the house, Sara noticed a van watching us. In a moment's bright idea, I decided to wave and run over. after explaining what we were doing; they proceeded to tell us that not only did they live in one of the neighboring houses, but that this particular house was scheduled for demolition on Monday. They also explained that the waters during the floods of '08 were as high as this house's attic.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


This really has nothing to do with urban exploration, but it is a picture of a cool sunset I took while we were driving to Davenport.